Tuesday, 27 March 2018

바하마 상표 분류 시스템

상표 : 바하마.
일반 정보.
분류 : 국제 분류는 사용되지 않습니다. 물품은 해당 지역 분류에 따라 식별됩니다. 다 클래스 파일링.
등록 가능한 것 : 상표.
등록 할 수없는 것 : 서비스 마크.
파리 협약 하의 우선 순위 : 예.
심사 : 등록 소는 등록 표시를 검사하고 이미 혼동을 일으킬 정도로 유사한 등록 표가 있는지 여부를 결정합니다.
등록 기간 : 12 개월.
등록 기간 : 14 년.
취소 : 등록 후 5 년 동안 사용하지 않으면 마크는 취소 대상이됩니다.
과제 - 반드시 과제를 기록해야합니까? 아니.
보류중인 응용 프로그램을 할당 할 수 있습니까? 아니.
라이센스 - 반드시 라이센스를 기록해야합니까? 해당 사항 없음.
보류중인 응용 프로그램에 라이센스가 부여 될 수 있습니까? 해당 사항 없음.
제출 요건.
상표 / 서비스표 요구 사항.
신청자 이름 & amp; 주소.
상표 / 서비스표 요건의 갱신.
서명 된 에이전트의 권한 부여.
배정 기록 요구 사항.
서명 된 에이전트의 권한 부여.
이름 / 주소 요구 사항의 변경.
서명 된 에이전트의 권한 부여.
상표 변경.
상표 변경 신청서 (양식 30).
지적 재산권은 매우 귀중하며 최고 수준의 보호를받을 자격이 있습니다. Simonian IP는 희석, 침해 및 침해로부터 지적 재산권을 적극적으로 보호 할 수 있도록 도와줍니다. 위조. 17 년 이상의 경험을 바탕으로 Simonian IP는 고객의 모든 측면을 지원합니다. 중동, 아시아, 아프리카 & amp; 라틴 아메리카는 수색, 서류 정리, 갱신, 반대, 취소, 시민 & amp; 형사 재판 및 위조 방지.
사이트 맵 | 지적 재산권, 상표, 특허 및 저작권 보호 | & copy; 2000 Simonian IP.

Trade Marks Rules, 1948 (CH.322, Section 56 (1)) (1987 년 법 No. 5까지 수정 됨)
제 322 장.
상표 표시 규칙.
[1948 년 10 월 23 일 시작]
파트 I 예비.
이 규칙은 상표 표 규칙으로 인용 될 수 있습니다. 이 규칙의 구성에있어서, 그 법령 또는 해석 통칙에 의하여 정의 된 의미로 사용 된 단어는 각각 그에게 부여 된 의미를 가지며,
"에이전트"는 등록 기관이 만족할만한 권한을 위임받은 에이전트를 의미합니다.
"선언"은 맹세 법에 의한 선언을 의미한다.
"사무실"은 당분간은 등록 사무 총장, 바하마 나소에있는 사무소를 의미합니다.
법령에 의거하여 신청, 등록 및 기타 사안과 관련하여 지불해야하는 수수료는 지불해야하는 매터 리를 수행하기 전에 또는 지급 시점에 지급되어야합니다. 여기에 언급 된 양식은이 규칙의 첫 번째 일정에 포함 된 양식이며 해당 양식은 해당 양식이 적용될 수있는 모든 경우에 사용되며 다른 경우를 충족시키기 위해 리거 스트라가 지시 한대로 수정해야합니다. 상표 등록 및이 규칙의 목적 상 물품은 제 2 일정에 기재된 방식으로 분류됩니다. G. N. 175/1948 G. N. 101/1953 G. N. 258/1953 G. N. 129/1954 G. N. 182/1960 S. I. 50/1967 S. I. 4/1982 S. I. 71/1983 S. I. 72/1983 5 of 1987.
수수료 지불 기간.
양식. 첫 번째 일정.
상품 분류.
foolscap 종이에있을 문서들.
게시물을 통해 문서를 보냅니다.
재화의 어떤 종류에 속하는 지에 대해 의심이 생길 경우, 의심은 등록 관 (Registrar)이 결정한다.
등록 기관이 제시 할 수있는 다른 지시가있는 경우, 출원서, 고지문, 진술서, 첨부 된 문서 또는이 법이나이 규칙에 따라 등록 관에게 남겨 지거나 제출해야하는 기타 서류는 크기가 약 13 인치 x 8 인치 인 멍청한 종이에 왼손 부분에 1 인치 이상의 여백이 있어야한다. 사무실에서 또는 등록 기관과 함께, 또는 다른 사람과 함께 남거나, 허락을 받거나, 허락을 받거나 요구되는 모든 신청서, 진술서, 통지 또는 기타 문서는 선불 또는 공무원에 의해 게시물을 통해 발송 될 수 있습니다. 유료 편지; 그렇게 보낸 문서는 그 편지를 포함하는 서한이 통상 우편으로 배달 될 때 배달 된 것으로 간주되며 그러한 서비 스나 발송을 증명할 때 그 편지는 그 서신이 정확히 주소지로되어 있는지 증명하기에 충분해야한다 게시물에 등록부에 기재된 상표의 등록 된 소유자 또는 서비스를위한 주소 또는 신청서에 기재된 주소 또는 이의 제기에 대한 등록인 또는 신청인에게 상표 등록을 반대하는 사람에게 보낸 편지 아래에 명시된 바와 같이 서비스를 제공 할 경우에는 충분히 언급 된 것으로 간주됩니다. 어떤 사람이 상기 한 법령 또는이 규칙에 따라 등록 관에게 주소를 제공해야하는 경우, 다음 조항이 적용됩니다.
주어진 주소는 모든 사람이 주소가 부여 된 사람의 사업장을 쉽게 찾을 수 있도록하기 위해 가능한 한 완전하게해야합니다.
사람이 거리에있는 마을에 거주하지 않는 경우, 등록 기관은 주소가 그러한 목적을 달성하는 데 필요한만큼 필요한 모든 징후를 포함하도록 요구할 수 있습니다.
신청인이 거리가있는 도시에 거주 할 때, 주어진 주소는 그 거리의 이름과 거리 또는 구내 이름이있는 경우 그 번호를 포함해야합니다.
모든 등록 상표와 모든 등록자의 등록 신청자와 TheBahamas에 거주하지 않거나 사업을 영위하지 않는 모든 대행 인은 바하마에서의 근무 주소를 제공해야하며, 그러한 주소는 취급 될 수 있습니다 해당 신청자, 상대 또는 대리인이 그러한 등록 신청 또는 그에 대한 반대 신청과 관련된 모든 목적을위한 실제 주소 인 경우. 등록 관은 바하마 내에서 거주하거나 사업을 수행하지 않는 등록 상표의 소유자에게 바하마 내에서 근무하기위한 주소를 제공하도록 요구할 수 있으며 그러한 주소는 해당 상표와 연결된 모든 목적을위한 소유자의 실제 주소로 취급 될 수 있습니다 . 등록 신청 및 반대 신청, 신청자와 상대방, 등록 관, 관장 및 등록 상표 소유자와 등록 관, 장관 또는 기타 다른 사람 간의 모든 기타 통신은 대리인을 통해 또는 대리인을 통해 그러한 신청자, 상대방 또는 권리자는 등록 기관에 서명하여 그 사실을 서면으로 (형식 번호 1) 또는 등록 기관 (Registrarmay)과 같은 다른 형식으로 당국에 서명함으로써 상표 등록 대리인을 지명 할 수있다 충분한 것으로 판단된다. 등기 표의 소유자가 그러한 대리인을 지명하는 경우 그러한 대리인에게 그러한 상표와 관련한 문서의 서비스는 그를 임명하는 사람에 대한 서비스로 간주되며 그 사람에게 행하도록 지시 된 모든 통신 그러한 상표의 존중은 그러한 대리인에게 제기 될 수있다.
등록 관은 형사상으로 유죄 판결을 받았거나 변호인 및 변호사의 선고를 받았거나 파산 한 사람을 그러한 사람으로 인정할 의무가 없습니다.
제 I 부 레지스트라에 대한 제한
11. 등록 기관은 다음과 같은 신청서 접수를 거부 할 수 있습니다 -
바하마와 주소.
등록 상표.
외국의 무기 사용.
(a) "특허", "특허"또는 "RoyalLetters 특허", "등록", "등록 된 디자인", "저작권", "현관 홀 입구", "위조 된 위조"또는 단어와 같은 단어 효과; (b) 폐하 또는 왕실 구성원의 대표.
12. 다음 기능은 등록이 적용되는 상표에 표시되지 않을 수 있습니다 -
(a) 로열 팔, 볏, 갑옷 베어링 또는 휘장 또는 위의 어느 하나에 거의 오도되기 쉬운 것으로 보이는 그릇. (b) "왕"이라는 단어 또는 다른 단어, 문자 또는 장치가 신청자가 왕위 계승 여부를 불문하고 또는 최근에 가지고 있다고 생각하게하는 방식으로 사용될 경우 케이스; (c) 영국 왕관 또는 영국 국기의 표현. (d) 국가, 영토 또는 민사 깃발, 무기의 볏 또는 엠블럼, 공식적인 통제 또는 보증 표시, 스탬프 또는 각인 또는 하나 이상의 무기로 된 국제 정부 간기구의 군대 태도, 깃발 또는 기타 상징, 약어 또는 칭호 컨벤션 국가가 속해있는 경우, TheBahamas가 고지하고 등록 사무 총장이 공개적으로 제출 한 산업 재산권과 관련된 국제 협약의 조항에 따라 상용 장치로 사용에 대한 이의 제기가 접수되었습니다.
단, 공식적인 통제 또는 보증 표시, 스탬프 또는 각인이 포함 된 상표의 경우, 이 금지는 관련 마크와 동일하거나 유사한 종류의 상품에 마크가 사용되는 경우에만 적용됩니다 그러한 공식적인 통제 또는 보증 표시, 스탬프 또는 인증 표시는 이미 사용 된 것입니다.
등록 국이 자신의 사용에 필요한 것으로 간주하는만큼 정당화를 요청할 수있는 표시에 외국 주나 장소의 무기 표시가 나타나는 경우. 어떤 도시, 자치구, 마을 또는 장소, 사회, 단체 또는 기관의 무기 또는 표식의 표식이 표기되어있는 경우, 신청인은 필요한 경우 등록 관의 공무원의 동의를 얻어 등록 관에게 제출해야합니다 그러한 무기 또는 엠블럼의 사용에 동의 할 자격이 있다고 간주 할 수있다. 등록인은 거주자의 이름이나 진술이 상표에 표시되는 경우 상표 등록 절차를 진행하기 전에 그러한 인원의 동의가 필요할 경우 등록 기관이해야합니다. 최근에 사망 한 사람의 경우 등록 관은 이름이나 진술이 나타나는 상표의 등록을 진행하기 전에 법정 대리인의 동의를 구할 수 있습니다. 등록 기관은 상품에 대한 이름이나 설명이 상표에 표시되는 경우 그 상품의 명칭 또는 설명 이외의 상품에 대해서는 그러한 표시를 등록 할 수 없습니다.
어떤 상품의 이름이나 묘사가 사용 된 상표명이나 설명이 다양 할 경우, 등록 관은 지명되거나 묘사 된 것 이외의 상품에 대한 상표의 이름 또는 설명과 함께 상표의 등록을 허용 할 수있다. 출원인은 자신의 이름 또는 설명이 다른 응용 프로그램.
제 2 부 등록 신청서 N.
17. 상표의 등록 신청이 회사 또는 파트너쉽에 의해 이루어진 경우, 그 상표 또는 회사의 이름으로 또는 그를 대신하여 하나 이상의 멤버가 서명 할 수있다.
신청서가 법인체에 의해 작성된 경우 이사 또는 사무 총장 또는 해당 법인의 다른 주요 책임자가 서명 할 수 있습니다.
모든 신청서에는 대리인이 서명 할 수 있습니다.
18. 산업 재산권 법 제 63 조에 의거하여 우선권을 주장하는 모든 신청서 또는이 법안을 수정하거나 대체하는 법령은 제 3 자에 정의 된대로 협약 국가에서 만들어 졌거나 또는 등록 된 것으로 간주되는 상표를 등록하기로 한 신청으로 인하여,
도심 등의 무기 사용
살아있는 사람의 이름 등의 사용.
상품의 이름 또는 설명이 나타나는 곳.
등록 신청.
신청서 승인.
부착 할 표식의 표현. 양식 2.
마운트하도록 표시하십시오.
표장 4 부를 보내야한다.
튼튼한 표식.
다른 등급의 동일한 마크의 응용.
동 법 제 62 조에는 해당 협약 국가의 명칭 및 출원일이 기재되어야하며 출원인은 등록 관 또는 그 국가의 기타 등록 기관에 의한 증명서를 제출해야하며, 그렇지 않으면 신청서가 작성되었거나 제출 된 것으로 확인되어야한다 등록 기관의 만족을 위해
신청서를 수취 할 때 또는 수령 한 후 등록 관은 신청인에게이를 인정해야한다. 상표 등록 신청서에는 양식 번호 2에 해당하는 사각형에 부착 된 표시가 있어야합니다. 언급 된 선행 규칙의 표현이 그 크기가 정사각형을 초과하는 경우, 대리인은 린넨, 트레이싱 천 또는 등록 기관이 적합하다고 생각하는 기타 자료에 부착되어야한다. 설치 부분은 상기 공간에 부착되어야하고 나머지는 접혀 있어야한다. 상표의 등록을위한 모든 신청서와 함께 신청서 (양식 2)에 첨부 된 것과 정확하게 일치하는 3 번 양식에 그러한 표시의 4 가지 추가 표현을 보내야하며, 때때로 그러한 모든 사항을 명시해야한다. 등록 기관이 필요로 함. 상기 언급 된 내용은 필요시 신청자 또는 그의 대리인이 서명해야합니다. 모든 표장은 내구성이 있어야하지만, 신청인은 3 번 서식의 표현 대신에 위의 크기로 표시된 위의 크기의 강력한 판재의 하프 시트를 첨부 할 필요가있을 수있다. 서로 다른 부류의 새 마크 등록 신청은 분리되고 일목요연하게 다루어 져야하며, 둘 이상의 클래스로 된 상품에 대해 동일한 공식 번호로 상표가 등록 된 모든 경우에있어서, 등록은 수수료 목적 상 이후에 이루어져야한다 그렇지 않은 경우 각 등급에 포함 된 물품에 대해 별개의 별개의 적용을 한 것으로 간주됩니다. 등록 기관은 표장의 표현에 불만족하는 경우 언제든지 신청서를 제출하기 전에 대행사가 만족할만한 다른 표현을 요구할 수 있습니다. 도면이나 다른 표현 또는 형식이 전술 한 방식으로 제공 될 수없는 경우, 상표의 표본 사본은 표준 크기 또는 축소 된 크기로 전송 될 수 있으며, 등록 기관이 가장 편리하다고 생각하는 형태로 제출 될 수 있습니다. 등록 관은 예외적 인 경우 대표자가 편리하게 표시 할 수없는 상표 또는 견본을 사무실에 기탁 할 수 있으며, 적절하다고 생각하는 방식으로 등록부에서 참조 할 수 있습니다. 상기 법의 항 24에 의거 한 일련의 상표 등록 출원이 이루어진 경우, 시리즈의 각 상표의 표현은 상기 한 바와 같이 양식 2의 출원 및 동반 한 각각의 제 3 번 형식. 상표에 로마자 이외의 단어가 포함되어있는 경우, 양식 2의 신청서와 양식 3의 동반 표현의 각각에 음역이 표시되어야한다. 등록 기관의 그러한 각 단어의 만족 및 그러한 모든 배제는 출원인 또는 그의 대리인이 서명해야한다.
상표가 영어 이외의 언어로 된 단어 또는 단어를 포함하는 경우, 등록 관은 그 정확한 번역을 요구할 수 있으며, 그러한 번역을 요구하는 경우에는 전술 한 바와 같이 보증되고 서명되어야한다.
제 1 부 수령인 수속에 관한 절차
30. 상기 법 제 7 조 (e) 항에 따라 특별 출원을 조건으로하여, 등록 신청을 접수하면 등록 기관은 등록 된 상표 및 출원중인 출원을 검색하여 그 출원이 존재하는지 여부를 확인한다. 기망으로 계산 된 것으로 표시되거나 그와 거의 비슷하게 적용된 표시와 동일한 상품 또는 동일한 상품에 대한 표시를 기록합니다.
다른 표현을 요청하십시오.
상표의 사본은 전체 크기로 보내질 수 있습니다.
일련의 상표에 대한 신청.
등록 된 마크 검색.
등록 기관의 수락.
이의 제기 서
수정안에 대한 이의 제기.
청문회에서 등록 기관 결정.
신청서 s. 7 (e).
등록 된 마크 검색.
그러한 수색을 한 후 등록 기관이 등록 상표에 이의가 없다고 생각할 경우 등록 관은 상표를 출원인에게 서면으로 전달할 조건이나 수정 사항 및 수정 사항을 절대적으로 수락하거나 수락 할 수 있습니다. 신청서를 수색하고 심사 한 후에 이의 제기가있는 경우, 이의 신청서는 신청자에게 서면으로 보내야하며, 신청인이 심리 신청을 한 달 이내에 신청을 철회 한 것으로 간주됩니다. 등록 관청이 조건, 수정안 또는 수정 사항의 적용을받는 신청서와 그러한 조건, 수정안 또는 수정안에 대한 신청서를 수락하는 경우 그는 그러한 수락을 통보 한 날로부터 1 개월 이내에 청문회 신청을하고, 그렇게하지 않으면 그는 그의 신청을 철회 한 것으로 간주된다. 신청인이 그러한 조건, 수정안 또는 수정에 응하지 않을 경우 즉시 신청인에게 서면으로 통지해야합니다. 전술 한 청문회에서 등록 관의 결정은 신청인의 서명에 전달되어야하며, 그러한 결정에 이의가있는 경우 그는 1 개월 이내에 등록 관에게 그의 결정의 근거를 서면으로 명시하도록 요구하는 양식 4를 신청할 수있다 그리고 그가 도착할 때 사용하는 재료. 그러한 양식을 수령하면 등록 관은 상기 한 서면 진술서를 신청인에게 보내야하며, 진술서가 발송 된 일자는 등록 관의 항소 목적 결정일로 간주된다. 등록 기관은 등록 기관이 적절하다고 생각하는 면책 조항과 같이이 신청서를 삽입하도록 신청자에게 요청할 수 있습니다. 일반적으로 해당 상표가 등록되어있는 경우 신청자의 권리를 이해할 수 있습니다. 제 7 조 (e) 항에 따라 이름, 서명 또는 단어 또는 단어를 등록하는 신청서는 서식 번호 5에 작성되어야하며 그렇지 않은 경우에는 작성해야합니다. 그러한 신청서를 수령하면 Registrarshall은 등록 된 사람들 사이에서 수색을합니다.
속임수 계산을 위해 적용된 것과 동일한 또는 유사한 상품에 대한 표시를 기록하고 있는지 여부를 확인하기위한 표시 및 계류중인 신청서를 제출해야합니다.
그러한 수색을 한 후에 등록 기관이 그러한 표시가 없다고 생각하면 신청자에게 이에 대한 통지를해야하지만 그러한 수색 후에 해당 표시가 나타나면 신청자에게 그 수와 관보가있는 경우 그 번호를 신청자에게 통보해야한다. 그들은 광고되었다. 그러한 통지를받은 날로부터 1 개월 이내에 신청자는 자신의 신청을 뒷받침하는 근거와 법원의 의견을 듣기를 원하는지를 기재 한 두 경우로 등록 관에게 서면으로 보내야한다. 그가 신청을하지 못한 경우에는 철회 된 것으로 간주됩니다. 신청인이 법원 명령을 받기를 원하는 경우 그는 1 개월 이내에 등록 관에게 전술 한 바와 같이 사건을 제기하여 법원에 제소해야하며, 그렇게하지 않으면 법원에 신청서를 철회 한 것으로 간주됩니다. 신청서가 법원에 접수되면 광고가 이루어지며 그 이후의 절차는 통상적 인 과정에서 등록 관이 수령 한 것처럼 처리해야합니다. 동법 제 58 조에 따라 어떤 협회 나 사람이 표장을 등록하고자하는 경우, 양식 제 6 조에 서면으로 등록 관에게 신청해야한다. 그러한 신청서는 2 부씩 제출되어야하며 신청 한 6 부의 사본을 첨부해야한다. 그러한 신청이 진행되도록 허용 된 경우, 그 표시는 광고되어야하며, 신청은 모든면에서 일반적인 신청처럼 다루어 져야하며, 동일한 방식으로 야당에 개방되어야하며, 그러한 모든 절차는 마치 상기 법의 항 10에 의거 한 신청서였다. 수락 될 때 모든 신청서는 등록 기관이 지시 할 수있는 시간과 방식으로 등록 관에 의해 관보에 광고됩니다.
유사한 마크가 없다는 통지.
응용 프로그램 지원.
법원 명령.
법원의 수락.
특수 무역 s. 58.
신청서 사본.
신청서 광고.
전시회에 표식의 표본.
광고에 대 한 무역의 나무 블록입니다.
일련의 각 상표에 대한 나무 블록을 제공해야 할 수도 있습니다.
12 (9) 항에 의거 광고.
등록 반대.
야당의 근거. 양식 7.
등록 기관은 출원의 광고와 관련하여 상표의 표현을 삽입하지 않을 경우, 그러한 광고에서 전시회를 위해 표본 또는 상표의 표기가 기탁 된 장소를 참조해야한다. 그러한 광고의 목적 상, 출원인은 등록 기관이 수시로 조정할 수있는 치수의 목재 블록 광석 (또는 필요하다면 하나 이상) 또는 그러한 다른 정보를 제공해야 할 수 있습니다. 등록 기관이 요구할 수있는 상표를 광고하는 수단; 등록 관은 신청인 또는 그의 대리인이 제공 한 블록 또는 전기 형식에 불만족하는 경우 광고를 진행하기 전에 새로운 블록 또는 전기 유형이 필요할 수 있습니다. 출원이 상기 법 제 24 조에 언급 된 세부 사항과 관련하여 서로 다른 일련의 상표와 관련이있는 경우, 출원인은 임의의 또는 다른 (또는 필요한 경우 하나 이상의) 목재 블록을 제공해야 할 수 있습니다. 시리즈를 구성하는 각 상표의 또는 등록 기관은 그가 적절하다고 생각하는 경우 여러 상표가 다른 상표와 다른 방식의 진술을 신청서와 함께 삽입 할 수 있습니다. 동법 제 12 조 (9) 항에 의거 한 광고는 등록 신청과 관련된 광고와 동일한 방식으로 작성되어야한다. 모든 사람은 상표 등록 신청서를 관보에 올린 날로부터 1 개월 이내에 등록 반대 국에 서면 통지를 할 수 있습니다. 그러한 통보는 형식 7에 있으며 동인이 등록 대상이되는 근거에 관한 진술을 포함해야한다. 마크가 레지스터에 이미 마크와 닮았다는 이유로 등록이 반대되는 경우, 광고 된 마크의 숫자와 숫자가 나와야합니다. 그러한 통지에는 등록 기관이 즉시 신청자에게 보내는 복제본이 수반되어야한다. 그러한 복제물을 수령 한 날로부터 1 개월 이내에 신청자는 자신의 신청을 뒷받침하는 근거로 서면으로 작성자 서명 - 증서 (양식 8)를 제출해야한다. 출원인은 또한 그가 제기 한 이의 제기 사실에 대해 주장하는 사실이있는 경우 그 사실을 명시해야한다. 그러한 반대 진술은 서면으로 사본을 동반해야한다. 그러한 항의서와 사본을 수령하면 등록 관은 즉시 상대방에게 사본을 보내고, 사본을 수령 한 후 1 개월 이내에 상대방은 자신의 의사를 증명하기 위해 서면으로 증거를 제출해야한다. 그의 반대자는 신청자에게 그 사본을 전달해야한다. 상대방이 증거를 남기지 아니하는 경우 그는 반대 의사를 포기한 것으로 간주되지만 선언서 사본을 수령 한 후 1 개월 이내에 신청자는 선언문을 통해 증거를 제출해야한다. 그의 신청서를 보완하고 상대방에게 사본을 전달해야한다. 신청인의 신고서 사본을 상대방에게 수령 한 후 14 일 이내에 상대방은 진술서로 증거물을 남겨두고 신청자에게 사본을 전달해야한다. 그러한 증거는 엄격히 회신하여 문제에 국한되어야한다. 등록 기관 앞의 모든 절차에서 그는 언제든지 신청자 또는 상대방에게 증거를 제출하거나 등록 기관이 적합하다고 생각할 수있는 조건으로 증거를 제출할 수있는 시간을 할 수 있습니다. 야당에 신고 된 전시품이있는 경우, 그러한 전시품의 사본이나 인상은 요청에 따라 상대방에게 보내지며, 그러한 사본이나 인상을 편리하게 제공 할 수없는 경우에는 원본을 사무실로 보내야한다. 그들은 검사를 위해 개방 될 수 있습니다. 등록 기관이 별도로 지시하지 않는 한, 원본 전시회는 심의회에서 제작되어야합니다. 증거가 완료되면 등록 기관은 그가 청취 할 날짜를 당사자에게 통지해야합니다.
응용 프로그램 지원.
야당 지원.
응용 프로그램 추가 지원.
야당에 대한 추가 지원.
야당에서의 선언에 대한 전시.
청력 통지.
시간 연장.
비용에 대한 보안.
등록에 등록하십시오.
사건의 주장. 그러한 약속은 당사자들이 더 짧은 통보에 동의하지 않는 한, 통보 일로부터 적어도 14 일 동안 정한 사람을 위임한다. 그러한 통지를받은 날로부터 7 일 이내에 양 당사자는 양식 9를 제출한다. 그러한 통지를받은 당사자는 그 통지를 수령 한 날로부터 7 일 이내에 그가 출두 할 의사가 있음을 통보하며 처리 할 수있다. 청문하고 싶지 않으므로 등록 관은 그에 따라 행동 할 수 있습니다.
야당 절차에서 시간의 연장이 어느 당사자에게 부여되는 경우, 등록 관은 그가 적절하다고 생각하면 그 당사자에게 청문회를 제공하지 않고 후속 조치를 취하는 상대방에게 합리적인 시간 연장을 부여 할 수있다. 반대자에게 통보하는 당사자가 바하마에서 사업을하지 않거나 사업을 수행하는 경우, 등록 관은 등록 관이 그 등록 기관 앞에서 진행하는 비용에 대해 충분한 비용을 부담 할 수있는 형태로 보안을 제공 할 것을 요구할 수있다. 그러한 야당의 어느 단계에서든 사건에 대한 결정을 내리기 전에 언제든지 더 많은 보안을 제공 할 것을 요구할 수 있습니다. 등록 기관은 신청자의 부도로 인해 신청일로부터 12 개월 이내에 상표 등록이 완료되지 않은 경우 신청자에게 양식 10 번을 서면으로 제출해야합니다. 신청인이 대리인을 가지고있는 경우에는 그러한 대리인에게 대리인의 사본을 보내야한다. 그러한 통지서가 발송 된 날로부터 14 일 후에 등록이 완료되지 않은 경우, 신청서는 포기 된 것으로 간주되지만, 등록 관청은 신청인이 먼 거리에 거주하는 경우 그러한 14 일 후에 추가 시간을 제공 할 수있다. 그러한 신청의 완료. 등록 관은 모든 신청서를 관보에 게재 한 날로부터 1 개월이 만료되는 즉시 등록 번호 11 번을 통해 이의 제기와 이에 대한 결정과 소정 금액의 납부를 조건으로 등록 상표. 등록부에 등록 상표를 등록하면 등록 일자, 물품이 제공되어야한다.
사업자의 직업, 직업 또는 직업에 관한 세부 사항과 함께 등록 관이 필요하다고 판단하는 기타 세부 사항과 함께 법 제 3 조에 명시된 모든 세부 사항 .
상표가 다른 표시 또는 표시와 관련하여 등록 된 경우 등록 관은 그러한 표시와 관련된 등록부에 관련 표시의 번호를 기록해야하며 관련 표시와 관련하여 등록부에 기록해야한다 새롭게 등록 된 마크의 번호는 각각의 마크와 연관된다. 출원일 이후 상표 출원인이 사망 한 경우, 신청 한 상표가 등록부에 등록되기 전에 등록 기관은 소정의 광고 기간 만료 후, 등록 기관이 만족할만한 것으로 입증 된 소유주의 경우, 사망 한 신청자의 이름 대신 사업주의 명예를 소유 한 사람의 성명, 주소 및 설명을 등록부에 기입하십시오. 상표 등록시 등록 관은 신청자에게 양식 12의 증명서를 발행해야합니다.
65. 상표의 마지막 등록이 만료되기 2 개월 전부터 3 개월 이내에 언제든지 마크 폼 제 13 호의 등록 갱신을위한 수수료를 사무실에서 떠날 수있다. 그러한 사람은 자신의 성명과 주소를 위조해야하며 추가 절차를 취하기 전에 등록 관은 등록 된 소유자가 서명 한 수수료를 5 일 이내에 지불 할 권한을 그러한 사람에게 부여 할 것을 요구할 수 있으며 그러한 사람이 그러한 권한을 부여하지 않으면, 그러한 수수료를 반환하고받지 못한 것으로 간주 할 수 있습니다.
레지스터의 상호 참조.
지원자의 사망.
등록 증명서. 양식 12.
등록에서 제거하기 전에 공지하십시오. 양식 13과 14.
제거하기 전에 두 번째 알림.
제거하지 않고 갱신.
양식 16과 17.
제거 후 갱신.
양식 16과 18.
제거 기록.
갱신 광고.
그가 그러한 권한을 요구하지 않을 경우, 등록 관은 그러한 수수료를 수령하면 등록 주소에서 등록 된 소유자와 연락하여 수수료를 받고 등록이 갱신 될 것이라고 진술해야한다. 등록 기관은 표장의 마지막 등록 기한이 만료되기 1 개월 이상 2 개월 이하의 날짜에 등록 서 양식 13에 대한 수수료가없는 경우 등록 된 주소로 등록 된 주소로 서식 제 14 조의 통지. 등록 기관은 마크 등록이 만료되기 14 일 이전 및 28 일 이전에 갱신 수수료를받지 못한 경우에 통지서를 다음 주소로 발송해야한다. FormNo에 등록 된 주소의 등록 된 소유자. 15. 등록 상표의 최종 등록 만료일에 갱신 수수료를 지불하지 않은 경우, 등록 관은 사실을 즉시 공보하여야하며, 통지 한 달 이내에 등록 번호 16의 갱신 수수료 17 번 형식의 추가 서류와 함께 등록부에서 표를 제거하지 않고 등록을 갱신 할 수 있습니다. 그러한 광고로부터 1 개월 후에 그러한 수수료가 지불되지 않은 경우, 등록 관은 마지막 등록 만료일에 등록 원부로부터 등록 기관을 삭제할 수 있지만, 등록 번호 16에 따라 갱신 수수료를 지불하면 the additional fee upon Form No. 18, restore the mark to the register if satisfied that it is just so to do, and upon such conditions as he may think fit to impose. Where a trade mark has been removed from the register the Registrar shall cause to be entered in the register a record of such removal and of the cause thereof. Upon the renewal of a registration a notice to that effect shall be sent to the registered proprietor at his registered address and the renewal shall be advertised inthe Gazette . The Registrar may on request made jointly by a registered proprietor of a mark and the person to whom hehas assigned such mark, together with the goodwill of the business concerned in the goods for which it has beenregistered, register the assignee as proprietor of the mark. Such application shall be in the Form No. 19. If theRegistrar so requires, the assignee shall furnish a declaration in Form No. 20. Where no such joint request is made, any person who has become entitled to a registered trade mark by assignment, transmission, or other operation of law, may leave a request at the office for the entry of his name in the register as proprietor of such trade mark. The request shall be on the Form No. 21, and such request shall contain the name, address, and description of the person claiming to be entitled to the trade mark, hereinafter called the claimant. Together with such request the claimant shallleave a case stating full particulars of the assignment, transmission, or other operation of law by virtue of which he claims to be entitled to be entered in the register asproprietor of the trade mark, so as to show the manner in which and the person or persons to whom the trade mark has been assigned or transmitted, and so as to show furtherthat it has been so assigned or transmitted in connection with the goodwill of the business concerned in the goods for which the trade mark has been registered. Such request shall in the case of an individual bemade and signed by the claimant, and in the case of a firmor partnership, by one or more members of such firm orpartnership, and in the case of a body corporate shall besigned by a director or by the secretary or other principal officer of such body corporate. Where the Registrar shall determine that the case sets out particulars such as entitle the claimant to be registered as proprietor of such trade mark, he shall call upon the claimant to furnish a declaration (Form No. 22)verifying the several statements in the case and declaring that the particulars given comprise every material fact and document affecting the proprietorship of the trade mark claimed by such request.
Forms 19 and 20.
Request by claimant.
Particulars of the assignment.
Signature to request.
Declaration verifying statements.
Alteration of address.
Application for hearing.
Notice of hearing.
Confirmation of hearing.
Decision of Registrar.
Applications under section 21. Form 24.
In any case, the Registrar may call on any person who desires to be registered as proprietor of a trade mark for such proof or additional proof of title and of the existence and ownership of such goodwill as aforesaid asthe Registrar may require for his satisfaction. Every registered proprietor of a trade mark who alters his address shall forthwith apply to the Registrar on the Form No. 23 to insert the new address on the register and the Registrar shall alter the register accordingly. Before exercising any discretionary power given to the Registrar by the said Act adversely to any person theRegistrar shall, if so required, hear the person who will beaffected by the exercise of such power. An application for a hearing shall be madewithin one month from the date when the matter on which the Registrar is called on to exercise discretionary power has arisen. Upon receiving such application the Registrarshall give the person applying ten days’ notice of a timewhen he may be heard by himself or his agent. Within five days from the date when such noticewould be delivered in the ordinary course of post the person applying shall notify the Registrar whether or not heintends to be heard on the matter. The decision of the Registrar in the exercise of any such discretionary power as aforesaid shall be notifiedto the person affected. All applications to the Registrar under section21 of the said Act shall be upon the Form No. 24. Such applications shall be accompanied by a case setting out fully the facts relating to the marks of which the Registrar is requested to permit an apportionment. Upon receipt of such request and of such case the Registrar shall enquire into the facts and call for suchevidence as he may deem necessary upon the subject of such application. Before giving his decision the Registrarshall, if necessary, give the parties an opportunity ofattending before him at a hearing either by themselves or by their agents.
87. The decision of the Registrar shall be in writing.
Upon any apportionment of marks under this section the Registrar shall insert in the register a note in connection with each of the registered trade marks of the fact of such apportionment, and shall in such note refer to the date of the decision under which such apportionmenthas taken place. Applications under section 30 to the Registrar may be made by the registered proprietor, or by the trustee in bankruptcy of the registered proprietor, or where theregistered proprietor is a company in liquidation by theliquidator, and in other cases by such person as theRegistrar may decide to be entitled to act in the name of the registered proprietor. Where such application is made the Registrar may require such evidence by declaration or otherwise as he may think fit as to the circumstance in which the application is made. Where application is made, on Form No. 29 to enter a disclaimer or memorandum relating to a trade mark, the Registrar, before deciding upon such application, shall advertise the application in the Gazette for one month in order to enable any person desiring so to do, to state any reasons in writing against the applicant being allowed to make such disclaimer or enter such memorandum. Where a person desires to apply under section32 to alter a trade mark he shall make his application in writing on Form No. 30 and shall furnish the Registrar withsix copies of the mark as it will appear when altered. Before proceeding with such application the Registrar may call on the applicant to furnish a blocksuitable to advertise in the Gazette the fact that such application has been made, or, if he thinks fit, the Registrar, without calling for a block, may insert an advertisement describing the alteration proposed in wordsso that it can be understood by persons interested in the matter.
Where leave is granted the Registrar may, if he is not already in possession of a block showing the trade mark as.
Registrar. Appointment of marks.
Applications under section 30.
Advertisement of application. Form 29.
Applications under section 32. Form 30.
Block for advertisement.
Hours of inspection.
Power to dispense with evidence.
Enlargement of time.
altered, cause the applicant to furnish a block showing thetrade mark as altered for advertisement in the Gazette and upon receipt of such block shall forthwith advertise the mark as altered in the Gazette .
The Registrar, if requested so to do in writingupon a Form No. 31, may cause a search to be made in any class to ascertain whether any marks are on record at the date of such search which may resemble any mark sent in duplicate to him by the person requesting such search andmay cause that person to be informed of the result of such search. The office shall be open to the public during allsuch hours as officers are by law required to giveattendance to their respective offices. Where under these Rules any person is required to do any act or thing, or to sign any document, or to make any declaration on behalf of himself or of any body corporate, or any document or evidence is required to be produced to or left with the Registrar, or at the office, and it is shown to the satisfaction of the Registrar that from any reasonable cause such person is unable to do such act or thing, or to sign such document or make such declaration, or that such document or evidence cannot be produced or left as aforesaid, it shall belawful for the Registrar, and upon the production of such other evidence, and subject to such terms as he may think fit, to dispense with any such act or thing, document, declaration, or evidence. Any document or drawing or other representation of a trade mark may be amended, and any irregularity inprocedure which in the opinion of the Registrar may be obviated without detriment to the interests of any person may be corrected, if the Registrar thinks fit, and on suchterms as he may direct. The time prescribed by these Rules for doing any act, or taking any proceeding thereunder may be enlarged by the Registrar, if he thinks fit, and upon suchnotice to other parties, and proceedings thereon, and upon such terms, as he may direct, and such enlargement may begranted though the time has expired for doing such act ortaking such proceeding. Whenever the last day fixed by the said Act, orby these Rules, for leaving any document or paying any feeat the office shall fall on Christmas Day, Good Friday, or on a Saturday or Sunday, or any day observed as a public holiday, or any day observed as a day of public fast or thanksgiving, or shall be a day on which the office shallnot be open to the public herein referred to as excludeddays, it shall be lawful to leave such document or to pay such fee on the day next following such excluded day, ordays if two or more of them occur consecutively. Where a time for paying a fee is limited by these Rules and the person who is bound to pay such fee residesat such distance from the office that he cannot reasonably be expected to pay the fee on the date limited by the Rule, the Registrar, if satisfied that the omission to pay the fee has not been from any want of diligence on the part of the person whose business it is to pay it, may accept the fee even though the date for paying the fee has passed, and treat it as if received on the correct date, provided always that the fee is actually paid with such promptitude as can be expected in the circumstances. The Registrar, when required otherwise thanunder section 15 of the said Act to give a certificate as to any entry, matter, or thing which he is authorised by the said Act or any of these Rules to make or do, may, on receipt of a request in writing, and on payment of theprescribed fee, give such certificate, but every certificate of registration so given shall have specified on the face thereof whether the same is to be used in legal proceedings, or for the purpose of obtaining registration abroad, or forpurposes other than use in legal proceedings or obtaining registration abroad. Where a mark is registered without limitation of colour it shall be lawful for the Registrar to grant a certificate of its registration for the purpose of obtaining registration abroad either in the colour in which it appearsupon the register or in any other colour or colours. Where a certificate of registration is desired foruse in obtaining registration abroad, the Registrar shall affix to the said certificate a copy of the mark, and shallstate in such certificate such particulars concerning the registration of the marks as to him may seem fit, and may omit therefrom reference to any disclaimers appearing on the register.
Procedure on public holidays.
Late fees may be permitted.
Certificates. Forms 33, 35 and.
Alteration of colours.
Seal or signature admitted without proof.
Appeals to the court.
Orders of the court.
104. The declarations required by the said Act andthese Rules, or used in any proceedings thereunder, shall be made and subscribed as follows —
( a) in The Bahamas, before any justice of the peace, magistrate, notary public, the Registrar or other officer by law authorised to administer an oath for the purpose of any legal proceeding; ( b) in the United Kingdom, before any justice of the peace, or any commissioner or other officer authorised by law in any part of the UnitedKingdom to administer an oath for the purpose of any legal proceeding; ( c) in any other part of the Commonwealth, before any court, judge, justice of the peace, or anyofficer authorised by law to administer an oath there for the purpose of a legal proceeding; and ( d) if made out of the Commonwealth, before a British minister, or person exercising the functions of a British minister or a consul, vice-consul, or other person exercising the functionsof a British consul, or a notary public, or before a judge or magistrate. Any document purporting to have affixed, impressed, or subscribed thereto or thereon the seal or signature of any person hereby authorised to take suchdeclaration in testimony of such declaration having beenmade and subscribed before him, may be admitted by the Registrar without proof of the genuineness of any such seal or signature, or of the official character of such person or his authority to take such declaration. When any person intends to appeal to the court, no such appeal shall be entertained unless notice of motion be given within one month from the date of the decision appealed against or within such further time as the Registrar shall allow. Where an order has been made by the court in any case under the said Act, the person in whose favoursuch order has been made, or such one of them, if more than one, as the Registrar may direct, shall forthwith leave at the office an office copy of such order, together with Form No. 32 if required. The register may, if necessary, thereupon be rectified or altered by the Registrar. Every application to the court under the said Actshall be served on the Registrar. Whenever an order is made by the court under the said Act, the Registrar may, if he thinks that such ordershould be made public, publish it in the Gazette .
An application for the registration of a defensivetrade mark under section 35 of the said Act shall be made, addressed and sent to the Registrar on Form No. 37 and shall be accompanied by a statement of case setting forth full particulars of the facts on which the applicant relies in support of his application, verified by a statutorydeclaration made by the applicant or some other person approved for the purpose by the Registrar. The applicant may send with this declaration, or subsequently, such other evidence as he may desire to furnish, whether after request made by the Registrar or otherwise and the Registrar shall consider the whole of the evidence before deciding on the application. In all other respects, and where they are appropriate and it is not otherwise stated, these Rules shallapply to such applications as they apply to applications for the registration of ordinary trade marks. An application to the Registrar under section 35for the making, expunging or varying of any entry in theregister shall be made on Form No. 38 and shall be accompanied by a statement setting out fully the nature of the applicant’s interest, the facts upon which he bases his case and the relief which he seeks. Where the application ismade by a person who is not the registered proprietor of the trade mark in question it shall be accompanied by an unstamped copy of the application and a copy of the statement, and these copies will be transmitted forthwith by the Registrar to the registered proprietor. Upon such application being made, and copy thereof transmitted to the registered proprietor, if necessary, the provisions of rules 51 to 61 shall apply, mutatis mutandis , to the further proceedings thereon; but theRegistrar shall not rectify the register or remove the mark from the register merely because the registered proprietor has not filed a counter-statement. In any case of doubt any party may apply to the Registrar for directions.
Service on Registrar.
Publication of court order.
Application under section 35.
Application to rectify or remove a trade mark from the register. Form 38.
Intervention by third parties.
Forms 38 and 39.
Application for entry of registered user.
Entry and notification.
Registered proprietor’s application to vary entry.
Application by registered proprietor or user to cancel entry. Form 42.
113. Any person other than the registered proprietoralleging interest in a registered trade mark in respect ofwhich an application is made on Form No. 38 may apply to the Registrar on Form No. 39 for leave to intervene, stating thereon the nature of his interest, and the Registrar may refuse or grant such leave, after hearing (if so required) the parties concerned, upon such conditions and terms as he may deem fit. Before dealing in any waywith the application for leave to intervene the Registrar may require the applicant to give an undertaking to paysuch costs as in the circumstances he may award to any party.
An application to the Registrar for the registration under section 36 of the said Act of a person as a registered user of a registered trade mark shall be made by that person and the registered proprietor on Form No. 40. The entry of a registered user in the registershall state the date on which it was made. In addition to the trade or business address of the registered user it may include an address for service, if an application therefor by him on Form No. 23 has been approved. A notification in writing of the registration of a registered user shall be sentto the registered proprietor of the trade mark, to the registered user, and to every other registered user whose name is entered in relation to the same registration of a trade mark, and shall be inserted in the Gazette . An application by the registered proprietor of a trade mark for the variation of the registration of aregistered user of that trade mark under paragraph (a) of section 36(8) shall be made on Form No. 41; and shall be accompanied by a statement of the grounds on which it is made and, where the registered user in question consents, by the written consent of that registered user. An application by the registered proprietor orany registered user of a trade mark for the cancellation of the registration of a registered user of that trade mark under paragraph (b) of section 36(8) shall be made on Form No. 42 and shall be accompanied by a statement of the grounds on which it is made. An application by any person for the cancellation of the registration of a registered user under paragraph (c) of section 36(8) shall be made on FormNo. 43 and shall be accompanied by a statement of the grounds on which it is made. The Registrar shall notify in writing applicationsunder the last three foregoing rules to the registered proprietor and each registered user (not being the applicant) under the registration of the trade mark. Any person so notified who intends to intervene in the proceedings shall within one month of the receipt of suchnotification give notice to the Registrar on Form No. 44 to that effect and shall send therewith a statement of the grounds of his intervention. The Registrar shall thereuponsend copies of such notice and statement to the other parties, so that the intervention may be known to the applicant, the registered proprietor, the registered user whose registration is in suit, and any other registered user who intervenes. Any such party may, within such time ortimes as the Registrar may appoint, leave evidence in support of his case, and the Registrar after giving the parties an opportunity of being heard may accept or refuse the application or accept it subject to any conditions, amendments, modifications or limitations he may think right to impose. In the case of the registration of a registered user for a period, in accordance with paragraph (d) of section 36(4), the Registrar shall cancel the entry of the registered user at the end of the period. Where some or all of the goods are struck out from those in respect of which a trademark is registered, the Registrar shall at the same timestrike them out from those specifications of registeredusers of the trade mark in which they are comprised. The Registrar shall notify every cancellation or striking outunder this paragraph to the registered users whosepermitted use is affected thereby and the registered proprietor of the trade mark.
121. An application for the registration of a certification trade mark under section 37 of the said Act shall be.
Application under section 36(8)(c) to cancel entry. Form 43.
Notification and hearing.
Cancellation by Registrar.
Application under section 37.
Authorization to proceed.
Case; draft regulations.
Application for an order to expunge or vary the register.
made to the Registrar upon Form No. 45, and shall be accompanied by two duplicates of the application on unstamped copies of Form No. 45, and by six additional representations of the trade mark on Form No. 3.
The provisions of section 10(2) to (6), section 11and section 12(2) to (11) of the said Act and these Rulesshall have effect in relation to the registration of the mark as if the application had been an application under section10(1) of the said Act, except that for references therein toacceptance of an application there shall be substituted references to authorization to proceed with the application, and that the applicant shall not be deemed to have abandoned his application if in the circumstances of rule 32 or rule 33 he does not apply for a hearing or reply in writing. The address of an applicant to register a certificationtrade mark shall be deemed to be a trade or business address for all the purposes for which such an address is required by these Rules. The applicant shall send to the registrar with his application or when required by the Registrar a case setting out the grounds on which he relies in support of hisapplication together with draft regulations for governing the use of the mark and Form No. 46, all being in duplicate. The Registrar may communicate to the applicant any observations he may have to make on the sufficiency of the case or the suitability of the draft regulations and the applicant may modify either of these documents. (1) Any registered proprietor of a certification trade mark or any aggrieved person may make application to the Registrar for an order expunging or varying an entryin the register of or relating to a certification trade mark, or varying the relevant deposited regulations and suchapplication shall include full particulars of the grounds on which the application is made. (2) An application by an aggrieved person may bemade on the following grounds — ( a) that the proprietor is no longer competent, in the case of any of the goods in respect of which thetrade mark is registered, to certify those goods; ( b) that the proprietor has failed to observe a provision of the deposited regulations to be observed on his part; ( c) that it is no longer to the public advantage that the trade mark should be registered; or ( d) that it is requisite for the public advantage that, if the trade mark remains registered, the regulations should be varied. (3) An application under this rule shall be made on Form No. 47. (4) The Registrar may as he sees fit on such an application make an order rectifying the register or the deposited regulations, or both, as the case may be. (5) These Rules shall apply to such applications as they apply to applications under section 10 (1) of the said Act.
S. I. 71/1983. G. N. 182/1960.
Second notice before removal of mark from register, under section 28.
15 Renewal of registration after notice has been given byRegistrar.
16 Additional fee to accompany renewal fee within one month after advertisement of non-payment of renewal fee. 17 Restoration of trade mark where removed for nonpayment of fee. 18 Request by registered proprietor and assignee to register assignee as subsequent proprietor. 19 Declaration by assignee in support of request by registered proprietor and assignee to register assignee as subsequent proprietor. 20 Request to enter name of subsequent proprietor . 21 Declaration in support of request to enter name of subsequent proprietor. 22 Application for alteration of address on register . 23 Application for apportionment of trade marks . 24 Correction of clerical error or amendment of application .. 25 Request to enter change of name of registered proprietor.. 26 Application to cancel entry on register . 27 Request to strike out goods from those for which a mark is registered. 28 Request to enter disclaimer, etc. . 29 Application to add to or alter a trade mark . 30 Request for search under rule 94. 31 Notice of order of court for alteration of register . 32 Request for general certificate. 33 Request for certificate of refusal to register. 34 Request for certificate of registration for use in obtaining registration abroad. 35 Request for certificate of registration for use in legal proceedings . 36 Application for the registration of a defensive trade markunder section 35. 37 Application for rectification under section 35 . 38 Application for leave to intervene where an application is made for rectification.
39 Application for registration as a registered user of aregistered trade mark .
Application by the registered proprietor of a trade mark.
for the variation of the registration of a registered user.
of that trade mark . 4 1.
Application by the registered proprietor or anyregistered user of a trade mark, or any other person for the cancellation of the registration of a registered user of that trade mark. 42 and 43.
Notice of intention to intervene in proceedings under rules 116, 117 and 118. 44.
Application for the registration of a certification trade mark. 45.
Regulations for governing the use of certification trade marks. 46.
Application for an order expunging or varying the register.
relating to a certification trade mark or varying the.
relevant deposited regulations. 4 7.
FORM 1 (Rule 10)
I beg to inform you that I have appointed. . of . . to act as my agent for . .
I am, Sir , Your obedient Servant , Addres s.
Dated the . day of . 19 . .
To the Registrar, Office of the Registrar General, Nassau, Bahamas.
Application is hereby made for registration of the accompany.
ing trade mark in class . in respect of . in the name o f [ Address and description ] . . . trading as . . . who claims to be the proprietor thereof .
. do not claim the registration of this trade markunder the special provisions of paragraph (e) of section 7 ofthe Trade Marks Act in regard to names, signatures, or words.
Dated the . day of . 19 . To the Registrar, Office of the Registrar General, Nassau, Bahamas.
Four of these additional representations of the trade mark must accompany each form of application.
To the Registrar, Office of the Registrar General, Nassau, Bahamas.
FORM 4 (Rule 34)
You are hereby requested under subsection (3) of section 10 of the Trade Marks Act and rule 34 made thereunder to state in writing the grounds of your decision, dated the . day of. 19 . after the hearing on the . day of . 19 . and the materials used by you in arriving at such decision.
Dated the . day of . 19 . .
To the Registrar, Office of the Registrar General, Nassau, Bahamas.
Application is hereby made for registration of the accompanying trade mark in class . in respect of . in the name of . of [ address and description ] . trading as . who claims to be the proprietor thereof and desires an order of thecourt directing registration of the same.
Dated the . day of . 19 . .
To the Registrar, Office of the Registrar General, Nassau, Bahamas.
MARK UNDER SECTION 5 8 BAHAMAS TRADE MARKS AC T ( To be accompanied by an unstamped duplicate )
Application is hereby made for registration of the accompanying trade mark in class . in respect of . in the name of . of [ address and description ] . who desire the Registrar under section 58 of the said Act to permit the registration thereof.
Dated the . day of . 19 . .
To the Registrar, Office of the Registrar General, Nassau, Bahamas.
( To be accompanied by a duplicate )
In the matter of an application, No. . by. of .
I, . hereby give notice of my intention to oppose the registration of the trade mark advertised under the above number for class . in the Gazette of the . day of. 19 . No. . page .
The grounds of opposition are as follows — (Signed) . Dated the . day of . 19 . Address for service — To the Registrar, Office of the Registrar General, Nassau, Bahamas.
FORM 8 (Rule 51)
FORM OF COUNTER-STATEMENT BAHAMAS TRADE MARKS ACT ( To be accompanied by a duplicate )
In the matter of an opposition, No. . to application No. .
I, . the applicant for the above trade mark, hereby give notice that the following are the groundson which I rely as supporting my application —
I admit the following allegations in the notice of opposition — ( Signed ) . Dated the . day of . 19 . To the Registrar, Office of the Registrar General, Nassau, Bahamas.
BAHAMAS TRADE MARKS ACT Sir, In reply to your notice dated the . giving . of . a date on which you will hear the arguments in the case of opposition No. . to application No. . I beg to say that I intend to appear before you on the date you have fixed, namely the . day of . 19 . I am, Sir, Your obedient Servant, To the Registrar, Office of the Registrar General, Nassau, Bahamas.
FORM 10 (Rule 60)
BAHAMAS TRADE MARKS ACT No. The Registrar has to call your attention to section 16 of the.
Trade Marks Act, and to rule 60 of the Trade Marks Rules made thereunder. The section and the rule are printed on the back hereof.
Your application numbered as above was made on the. day of . 19 . Registration has not been completed by reason of your default. Unless it iscompleted within . days from this date the application will be treated as abandoned.
( Signed ) . Dated the . day of . 19 . To the Registrar, Office of the Registrar General, Nassau, Bahamas.
16. Where registration of a trade mark is not completed within twelve months from the date of the application by reason of default on the part of the applicant, the Registrar may, after giving notice of the non-completion to the applicant in writing in the prescribed manner, treat the application as abandoned unless it is completed within the time specified in that behalf in such notice.
60. Where registration of a trade mark is not completed within twelve months from the date of the application by reason of default on the part of the applicant, the Registrar shall give notice to the applicant in writing on Form No. 10 of such non-completion, and if the applicant has an agent, shall send a duplicate of such notice to such agent. If after fourteen days from the date when such notice was sent the registration is not completed, the application shall be deemed to be abandoned, but the Registrar may with such notice, where the applicant lives at a distance, give further time after such fourteen days for the completion of such application.
FORM 11 (Rule 61)
BAHAMAS TRADE MARKS ACT Sir, In reply to your request I hereby transmit the prescribed fee forthe registration of the trade mark No. . in class . I am, Sir, Your obedient Servant, Dated the . day of . 19 . To the Registrar, Office of the Registrar General, Nassau, Bahamas.
I hereby certify, pursuant to rule 64 of the Rules under the above Act, that the trade mark in your application No. . was duly advertised in the Gazette and has been registered in yourname in class . in respect of the goods specified by you.
Witness my hand thi s . day of. . 19 . .
FORM 13 (Rules 65 and 67)
BAHAMAS TRADE MARKS ACT I hereby leave the prescribed fee of . for the renewal of the registration of the trade mark No. . in class . Dated the . day of . 19 . (Signed ) . (Address) . To the Registrar, Office of the Registrar General, Nassau, Bahamas.
FORM 14 (Rule 67)
The Registrar hereby gives you notice that in conformity with the provisions of section 28 of the above Act (printed at back hereof), your trade mark No. . registered in class .
will be removed from the trade marks register, unless the prescribed fee of . (payable on Form No. 16) be received at this office before the . day of . 19 . on whichdate the existing registration will expire.
Dated the . day of . 19 . .
28. At the prescribed time, before the expiration of the last registration of a trade mark, the Registrar shall send notice in the prescribed manner to the registered proprietor at his registered address of the date at which the existing registration will expire and the conditions as to payment of fees and otherwise upon which a renewal of such registration may be obtained, and if, at the expiration of the time prescribed in that behalf, such conditions have not been duly complied with, the Registrar may remove such trade mark from the register, subject to such conditions (if any) as to its restoration to the register as may be prescribed.
FORM 15 (Rule 68)
The Registrar hereby gives you notice that, in conformity withthe provisions of section 28 of the above Act (printed at backhereof), your trade mark No. . registered in class . will be removed from the trade marks register, unless the prescribed fee of . (payable on Form No. 16) be received at this office before the . day of . 19 . on which date the existing registration will expire.
If the above fee be not paid before the date above-named, thetrade mark will, after the end of one month from the date on which the omission to pay the fee has been advertised in the Gazette , be removed from the trade marks register, unless an additional fee of $2.00 (payable on Form No. 17) be remitted.
Dated the . day of . 19 . .
28. At the prescribed time, before the expiration of the last registration of a trade mark, the Registrar shall send notice in the prescribed manner to the registered proprietor at his registered address of the date at which the existing registration will expire and the conditions as to payment of fees and otherwise upon which a renewal of such registration may be obtained, and if, at the expiration of the time prescribed in that behalf, such conditions have not been duly complied with, the Registrar may remove such trade mark from the register, subject to such conditions (if any) as to its restoration to the register as may be prescribed.
FORM 16 (Rules 69 and 70)
BAHAMAS TRADE MARKS ACT Sir, In pursuance of the notice received from you, I hereby transmit.
the prescribed fee of . for renewal of registration of th e trade mark No . in class . . Dated the . day of . 19 . . (Signed) . .
(Address) . To the Registrar, Office of the Registrar General, Nassau, Bahamas.
In pursuance of the notices issued by you, I hereby transmitthe additional fee of $20.00 (along with Form No. 16) for the renewal of the registration of the trade mark No. . in class.
S. I. 72/1983. S. I. 72/1983.
Dated the . day of . 19 . (Signed) . (Address) . To the Registrar, Office of the Registrar General, Nassau, Bahamas.
FORM 18 (Rule 70)
[To accompany Form No. 16] Sir, In pursuance of the notices issued by you, I hereby transmitthe additional fee of $40.00 (along with Form No. 16) for the.
restoration to the trade marks register of the trade mark No. . in class. Dated the . day of . 19 .
(Signed) . (Address) . To the Registrar, Office of the Registrar General, Nassau, Bahamas.
FORM 19 (Rule 73)
We, . of . 그리고. of . hereby request under rule 73 that the name of . carrying on business as . at . may be entered inthe register of trade marks as proprietor of the trade mark No. in class . To the Registrar,
Office of the Registrar General,
I, . of . . do hereby solemnly and sincerely declare that the trade mark No. . in class . has been assigned to me by . of . together with the goodwill of the business concerned in the goodsfor which it has been registered, and that I have accepted suchassignment.
And I make this declaration conscientiously believing the same to be true and by virtue of the provisions of the Oaths Act (Ch. 60).
Declared at . . this . day of . 19. .
FORM 21 (Rule 74)
I, . herebyrequest that you will enter . name in the register of trade marks as proprietor of the trade mark No. in class . entitled to the said trade mark and to the goodwill of the business concerned in the goods with respect to which the said trade mark isregistered.
Accompanying this request is a statement of case,
Dated the . day of . 19 . To the Registrar,
Office of the Registrar General,
I, . of . do hereby solemnly and sincerely declare that the particulars set out in thestatement of case, exhibit marked . and left by me in connection with my request to be registered as subsequentproprietor of the trade mark No. . in class . are true and comprise every material fact and document affecting the proprietorship of the said trade mark as above claimed.
And I make this declaration conscientiously believing the same to be true, and by virtue of the provisions of the Oaths Act (Ch. 60.)
Declared at. . this . day of . 19 . .
(Signed) . To the Registrar, Office of the Registrar General, Nassau, Bahamas.
FORM 23 (Rules 79 and 115)
In the matter of the trade mark,
No. . registere d.
I, . of . the registered proprietor of the trade mark numbered as above desire that my address on the register of trade marks be altered to .
Dated the . day of . 19 . To the Registrar,
Office of the Registrar General,
In the matter of the registered trade marks Nos. .
We, being the parties interested within the meaning of section 21 of the Trade Marks Act, in certain marks of . who has ceased to carry on business, request you to permit an apportionment of those marks amongst the persons in fact continuing thebusiness. With this application we send a case in pursuance of rule.
85. (Signed) . (Signed) . Dated this . day of . ,19 . To the Registrar,
Office of the Registrar General , Nassau, Bahamas .
FORM 25 (Sections 10(6) and 30(1))
I hereby request that . . (Signed) . . Dated this . day of . 19 . .
To the Registrar, Office of the Registrar General, Nassau, Bahamas.
I, . hereby request that you will enter . name in the register of trade marks as proprietor . of the trade mark No. . in class . entitled to the said trade mark and to the goodwill of the businessconcerned in the goods with respect to which the said trade mark isregistered.
There has been no change in the actual proprietorship of the said trade mark, but .
Dated this . day of . ,19 . To the Registrar,
Office of the Registrar General,
FORM 27 (Section 30(1))
Trade mark No. . class . . advertised in Gazette , No. . 페이지. .
Name of registered proprietor . .
Place of business . .
I, the undersigned, . . of . . (or I, the undersigned, . . a member of the firm of . . of . . . on behalf of my sai d [ Firm ] . ) apply that the entry upon the register of trade marks of the trad e No. . in class . may be cancelled .
(Signed) . Dated this . day of . 19 . To the Registrar, Office of the Registrar General, Nassau, Bahamas.
BAHAMAS TRADE MARKS ACT I, . of . hereby request that you will strike out .
. from the goods for whic h the trade mark No. . is registered in class . . ( Signed ) . . Dated this . day of . ,19 . .
To the Registrar, Office of the Registrar General, Nassau, Bahamas.
FORM 29 (Rule 91)
BAHAMAS TRADE MARKS ACT I, . of . hereby request that you will enter in the register in connection with.
trade mark No. . in class . the followin g . namely — ( Signed ) . . Dated this . day of . 19 . .
To the Registrar, Office of the Registrar General, Nassau, Bahamas.
BAHAMAS TRADE MARKS ACT In the matter of trade mark No. . in class Application is hereby made on behalf of the registered proprietor of the trade mark numbered as above to alter it in the following particulars that is to say — Six copies of the mark as it will appear when so altered are filed herewith. (Signed) . Dated this . day of . ,19 . To the Registrar, Office of the Registrar General, Nassau, Bahamas.
FORM 31 (Rule 94)
BAHAMAS TRADE MARKS ACT You are hereby requested to search under rule 94 in class . to ascertain whether any trade marks are on record which resemble the trade mark sent herewith in duplicate eachmounted on a half-sheet of foolscap. (Signed) . Dated this . day of . 19 . To the Registrar, Office of the Registrar General, Nassau, Bahamas.
BAHAMAS TRADE MARKS ACT In the matter of trade mark, No. . registered in class . in the name of Sir, Notice is hereby given that by an order of the court made onthe . day of . 19 . it was directed that . . An office copy of the order of the court is enclosed herewith. (Signed) . Dated this . day of . 19 . To the Registrar, Office of the Registrar General, Nassau, Bahamas.
FORM 33 (Rule 101)
BAHAMAS TRADE MARKS ACT In the matter of trade mark No . in class . Sir, I, . of . hereby request you to furnish me with your certificate that . (Signed) . Dated this . day of . ,19 . To the Registrar, Office of the Registrar General, Nassau, Bahamas.
BAHAMAS TRADE MARKS ACT In the matter of an applicationfor registration of a trade mark, No. . in class . Sir, I. of. the applicant in the above matter, hereby request you to furnish mewith your certificate of refusal to register the said trade mark. (Signed) . Dated this . day of . 19 . To the Registrar, Office of the Registrar General, Nassau, Bahamas.
FORM 35 (Rules 101 and 103)
BAHAMAS TRADE MARKS ACT In the matter of the trade mark, No. . registered in class . in the name of . Sir, I, . of . the registered proprietor of the above trade mark, hereby request you to furnish me with your certificate of registration for use inobtaining registration of the same in . (Signed) . Dated this . day of . 19 . To the Registrar, Office of the Registrar General, Nassau, Bahamas.
BAHAMAS TRADE MARKS ACT In the matter of the trade mark, No. . registered in class . in the name of Sir, I, . of . the registered proprietor of the above trade mark, hereby request you to furnish me with your certificate of registration to be used inlegal proceedings. (Signed) . Dated this . day of . 19 . To the Registrar, Office of the Registrar General, Nassau, Bahamas.
FORM 37 (Rule 110)
One representation to be fixed within this space, and 1 four others to be sent on separate Forms No. 3.
Application is hereby made for registration in the register of the above word(s) as a defensive trade mark in class .
1 An application made in respect of textile goods should be accompanied by six other representations of the trade mark, each on a separate Form No. 3, by a statement of case in triplicate, and also by an unstamped duplicate of the application.
in respect of 2 (a) . . . . . . in the name of 3 (b) . . of 4 (c) . . . . trading as 5 (d) . . who is (are) the proprietor(s) of the same trade mark registered i n class 6 (e) . in respect of . under No. . Accordin g to my (our) information and belief, the word(s) is (are) invented .
The particulars of the facts on which I (we) rely in support of thisapplication are set forth in the accompanying statement of case 7 (f).
Dated the . day of . 19 . To the Registrar,
Office of the Registrar General,
FORM 38 (Rules 111 and 113)
( To be accompanied by a copy and a statement of case in duplicate )
In the matter of the trade mark No. . registered in the nameof . in class .
I (We) 9 (a) . . . hereby apply that the entry in the register in respect of theabovementioned trade mark be removed 10 (b) rectified in the following manner . .
2 Here specify the goods. Only goods included in one and the same class should be specified.
3 Here insert legibly the full name, description and nationality of the individual, firm, or body corporate making the application. The names of all partners in a firm must be given in full. If the applicant is a body corporate, the kind and country of incorporation should be stated.
4 Here insert the full trade or business address of the applicant . 5 Here insert the trading style (if any) . 6 Here insert particulars of the applicant's registration of the trade mark . 7 To be furnished in duplicate . 8 Signature . 9 Here state full name and address . 10 Strike out the word (or words) that is (are) not applicable .
. . The grounds of my (our) application are as follows — . . No action concerning the trade mark in question is pending in the court. 11 (c) . Dated the . day of . 19 . Address for service — To the Registrar, Office of the Registrar General, Nassau, Bahamas.
FORM 39 (Rule 113)
In the matter of the trade mark No. . registered in the nameof . in class .
I (We) 12 (a) . . . hereby apply for leave to intervene in the proceedings relating to therectification or removal of the entry in the register in respect of the above-mentioned trade mark.
My (Our) interest in the trade mark is . . . . . . . . . .
Dated the . day of . 19 . .
Address for service — To the Registrar,
Office of the Registrar General,
11 Signature . 12 Here state full name and address . 13 Signature .
G. N. 182/1960. G. N. 182/1960.
FORM 40 (Rule 114)
( To be accompanied by a statement of case giving particulars and stating as required by section 36(4), verified by a statutory declaration made by the proprietor, or by some person authorizedto act on his behalf and approved by the Registrar )
Application is hereby made by 14 (a) . . . who is (are) the registered proprietor(s) of trade mark(s) No.(s) . 15 registered in class . in respect of 16 (b) . that 17 (c) . of 18 (d) . trading as 19 (e) . . who hereby joins in the application, may be registered as a registered user of the above-numbered registered trade mark(s) in respect of 20 (f) . subject to the following conditions or restrictions 21 (g) . 22 . 23 (h) The proposed permitted use is to end on the . day of . 19 . The proposedlimited use is without limit of period.
Dated the . day of . 19 . To the Registrar,
Office of the Registrar General,
14 Here insert full name, trade or business address and description of the registered.
proprietor(s). 15 Additional numbers may be given in a signed schedule on the back of the form. 16 Here insert the specification in the register. 17 Here insert the full name, description and nationality of the individual, firm, or.
body corporate, proposed as registered user. The names of all partners in a firm must be.
given in full. In the case of a body corporate brief particulars of the kind and country of.
incorporation should be stated. 18 Here insert the full trade or business address of the proposed registered user. 19 Here insert trading style (if any). 20 Here insert designation of goods (which must be comprised within the.
specification). 21 Write "None" if there are no conditions or restrictions. 22 Write "None" if there are no conditions or restrictions. 23 Strike out the words that are not applicable. 24 Signature.
( To be accompanied by a statement of the grounds for the application and the written consent (if given) of the registered user)
Application is hereby made by 25 (a) . . . . . . . . the proprietor of trade mark(s) No. . 26 registered i n class. . in respect of 27 (b) . . . . . . that the registration of 28 (c) . . . . . . as a registered user of the above-numbered trade mark(s) in respec t of 29 (d) . . . may be varied in the following manner: 30 (e) . .
Dated the . day of . 19 . To the Registrar,
Office of the Registrar General,
25 Here insert the full name, description and trade or business address of the.
registered proprietor. 26 Additional numbers may be given in a signed schedule on the back of the form. 27 Here insert the specification in the register. 28 Here insert the full name, description and trade or business address of the.
registered user. 29 Here insert the goods in respect of which the user is registered. 30 Here state in terms the manner in which it is requested that the entry should be.
varied. 31 Signature.
FORMS 42 and 43 (Rule 118)
( To be accompanied by a statement of the grounds for the application )
32 (a) In the matter of trade mark(s)No.(s) . 33 registered in the name of . . in class.
Application is hereby made by 34 (b) . . . . whose address for service is . . for the cancellation of the entry under the above-mentione d registration(s) of 35 (c) . . . . as the registered user thereof in respect of 36 (d) . . . . . . The grounds of this application, particulars of which are given i n detail in the accompanying statement of case are 37 (e) . . . . . .
Dated the . day of . 19. .
To the Registrar, Office of the Registrar General, Nassau, Bahamas.
32 Here insert the name, trade or business address and description of the registered.
proprietor as entered in the register. 33 Additional numbers may be given is a signed schedule on the back of the form. 34 Here insert the name and address of the applicant for cancellation. 35 Here insert the name, trade or business address and description of the registered.
user as entered in the register. 36 Here insert the goods in respect of which the registered user is entered. 37 Here insert one or more of the subparagraphs or paragraph (c) of section 36(8)
numbered (i), (ii), (iii). 38 Signature.
( To be accompanied by a statement of the grounds of intervention )
IN THE MATTER OF a trade mark No. . . registered in class . in the name of 39 (a) . . An d IN THE MATTER OF a registration of 40 (b) . .
thereunder as a registered user of the mark . In reply to the Registrar’s notification, dated the . day o f . 19 . notice is hereby given of m y intention to intervene in the proceedings in the above matter .
Dated the . day of . 19 . Address for service — To the Registrar,
Office of the Registrar General , Nassau, Bahamas .
FORM 45 (Rule 121)
One representation to be fixed within this space, and six others to be sent on separate Forms No. 3.
Representations of a larger size may be folded, but must then be mounted upon linen or other suitable material and affixed hereto.
G. N. 182/1960. G. N. 182/1960.
39 Insert here the name of the registered proprietor . 40 Insert here the name and trade or business address of the registered user . 41 Insert here the name and trade or business address of the registered user . 42 Signature .
Application is hereby made for registration in the register of th e accompanying certification trade mark in clas s in respect of 43 (a) . . . . in the name of 44 (b) . . . . whose address is 45 (c) . .
Dated the . day of . 19 . To the Registrar,
Office of the Registrar General,
FORM 46 (Rule 123)
Regulations for governing the use of certification trade mark No. . in class . in respect of 47 (a) . . .
(For official use)
Advertised in the Gazette on the . day of. . 19 . . (Date of application and registration . 19 . )
43 Here specify the goods. Only goods included in one and the same class should be.
specified. A separate application form is required for each class. 44 Here insert the full name, description and nationality of the applicant. If the.
applicant is a body corporate, the kind and country of incorporation should be stated. 45 Here insert the full address of the applicant. 46 Signature. 47 Here specify the goods of the registration.
( To be accompanied by an unstamped copy and a statement of case induplicate )
In the matter of Certificatio n trade mark No. . . registered in the . . name of . . in class . .
I (We) 48 (a) . . being (an) aggrieved person(s), hereby apply for an order of the Registrar that:
49 (b) The entry in the register in respect of the above-mentioned . expunged trade mark may be 50 (c) varied in the following manner . (b) The deposited regulations governing the use of the above-mentioned trade mark may be varied in the following manner . .
The grounds of my (our) application are as follows — . .
Dated the . day of. 19. Address for service — To the Registrar,
Office of the Registrar General , Nassau, Bahamas .
48 Here state full name and address . 49 Strike out either paragraph that is not applicable . 50 Strike out one of these lines . 51 Signature .
Chemical substances used in manufactures, photography, or philosophical research, and anti-corrosives.
Chemical substances used for agricultural, horticultural, veterinary, and sanitary purposes.
Chemical substances prepared for use in medicine and pharmacy.
Raw or partly preparedvegetable, animal, andmineral substances used in manufactures, not included in other classes.
( Note — Goods are mentioned in this column by way ofillustration, and not as an exhaustive list of the contents of a class.)
Such as — Acids, including vegetable.
acids . Alkalis . Artists’ colours . Pigments . Mineral dyes .
Such as — Artificial manure. Cattle medicines. Deodorisers. Vermin destroyers.
Such as — Cod liver oil. Medicated articles. Patent medicines. Plasters. Rhubarb.
Such as — Resins. Oils used in manufactures.
and not included in other.
classes. Dyes, other than mineral. Tanning substances. Fibrous substances (e. g.
cotton, hemp, flax, jute.)
Raw or partly preparedvegetable, animal, andmineral substances used in manufactures, not included in other classes.
Unwrought and partly wrought metals used in manufacture.
Machinery of all kinds, and parts of machinery, except agricultural andhorticultural machines included in Class 7.
Agricultural and horticultural machinery, and parts of such machinery.
Iron and steel, pig or cast . Iron, rough . Iron, bar and rail . Iron rails for railway s Iron bolt and rod . Iron sheet, and boiler an d armour plates . Iron hoop . Lead pig . Lead rolled . Lead, sheet . Wire . Copper . Zinc . Gold, in ingots .
Such as — Steam engines. Boilers. Pneumatic machines. Hydraulic machines. Locomotives. Sewing machines. Weighing machines. Machine tools. Mining machinery. Fire engines.
Such as — Ploughs. Drilling machines. Reaping machines. Thrashing machines. Churns. Cyder presses. Chaff cutters.
Philosophical instruments, Such as — scientific instruments, and Mathematical instruments. apparatus for useful Gauges. purposes. Instruments and Logs. apparatus for teaching. Spectacles.
Instruments, apparatus, and Such as — contrivances, not medicated, Bandagesfor surgical or curative Friction gloves. purposes, or in relation to theLancets. health of men or animals. Fleams.
Cutlery and edge tools. Such as — Knives. Forks. Scissors. Shears. Files. Saws.
Metal goods not included i n Such as —
other classes . Anvils . Keys . Basins (Metal) . Needles . Hoes . Shovels . Corkscrews .
Arms, ammunition and store s Such as —
not included in Class 20 . Cannon. Small-arms. Fowling pieces. Swords. Shot and other projectiles. Camp equipage. Equipments.
Explosive substances. Such as — Gunpowder. Gun-cotton. Dynamite. Fog-signals. Percussion caps. Fireworks. Cartridges.
Naval architectural Such as — contrivances and naval Boats. equipments not included Anchors. in classes 19 and 20. Chain Cables.
Carriages. Such as — Railway carriages. Waggons. Railway Trucks. Bicycles. Bath chairs.
(a) Cotton yarn. (b) Sewing cotton.
Cotton piece goods of all kinds. Such as — Cotton shirtings. Long cloth.
Cotton goods not included in Class 23, 24, or 38.
CLASS 26 Linen and hemp yarn and thread.
CLASS 2 7 Linen and hemp piece goods . CLASS 2 8.
Linen and hemp goods notincluded in Classes 26, 27 and 50. CLASS 29 Jute yarns and tissues, and other articles made of jute not included in Class 50. CLASS 30 Silk, spun, thrown, or sewing. CLASS 31 Silk piece goods. CLASS 32 Other silk goods not included in Classes 30 and 31. CLASS 33 Yarns of wool, worsted, or hair. CLASS 34 Cloths and stuffs of wool, worsted or hair.
Such as — Cotton lace. Cotton braids. Cotton tapes.
Woollen and worsted and hair goods not included in Classes 33 and 34.
Carpets, floor-cloth, and oil - Such as —
cloth . Drugget . Mats and matting . Rugs .
Leather skins, unwrought, and Such as — wrought, and articles made Saddlery. of leather not included in Harness. other classes. Whips.
Articles of clothing. Such as — Hats of all kinds. Caps and bonnets. Hosiery. Gloves. Boots and shoes. Other ready-made clothing.
Paper (except paperhangings) , Such as —
stationery, and bookbinding . Envelopes. Sealing wax. Pens (except gold pens). Ink. Playing cards. Blotting cases. Copying presses.
Goods manufactured from india-rubber and guttapercha not included inother classes.
Furniture and upholstery. Such as — Paper hangings. Papier machÕ. Mirrors. Mattresses.
Substances used as food, or a s Such as —
ingredients in food . Cereals. Pulses. Olive oil. Hops. Malt. Dried fruits. Tea. Sago. Salt. Sugar. Preserved meats. Confectionery. Oil cakes. Pickles. Vinegar. Beer clarifiers.
Fermented liquors and spirits. Such as — Beer. Cyder. Wine. Whisky. Liqueurs.
Mineral and aerated waters natural and artificial including ginger beer.
Tobacco, whether manufactured or unmanufactured.
Seeds for agricultural andhorticultural purposes.
Candles, common soap, detergents; illuminating, heating, or lubricating oils;matches, and starch, blue, and other preparations for laundry purposes.
Perfumery (including toilet articles, preparations for the teeth and hair, and perfumed soap).
Games of all kinds and sporting articles not included in other classes.
(1) Goods manufactured from ivory bone or wood, not included in other classes. (2) Goods manufactured from straw or grass, not included in other classes. (3) Goods manufactured from animal and vegetable substances, not included in other classes. (4) Tobacco pipes. (5) Umbrellas, walking sticks, brushes, and combs. (6) Furniture cream, platepowder. (7) Tarpaulins, tents, rick-cloths, rope twine. (8) Buttons of all kinds other than of precious metal or imitations thereof. (9) Packing and hose of all kinds. (10) Goods not included in the foregoing classes.
Such as — Washing powders. Benzine collar.
Such as — Billiard tables. Roller skates. Fishing nets and lines. Toys.

Bahamas trademark classification system

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The Caribbean is home to 18 British Commonwealth countries and territories. The countries are independent; the territories are UK dependencies. Countries: Antigua & Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Dominica, Grenada, Jamaica, St. Kitts & Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent & the Grenadines, and Trinidad & Tobago. Dependent Territories: Anguilla, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Montserrat, and Turks & Caicos Islands.
The other principal Caribbean countries and territories are: Aruba, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Guadeloupe and Martinique (both part of France), the Netherlands Antilles, and Puerto Rico (part of the United States). The Caribbean is home to some 25 trademark jurisdictions, each pursuing a unique path to trademark protection. Simply put, the laws of no two Caribbean jurisdictions are alike. This article focuses on the Caribbean's 18 Commonwealth jurisdictions.
Shedding of UK Dependence.
Independence from the UK has swept through Caribbean jurisdictions, and reliance upon UK registrations has largely become a thing of the past. Today, Grenada remains the sole Caribbean holdout where a UK registration is an absolute prerequisite to registration. Anguilla, Montserrat, St. Kitts & Nevis, St. Vincent and Turks & Caicos all have recently enacted major trademark reform. Tiny Montserrat already reduced to one third of its former size because of volcanic encroachment has established its own local trademark system while still granting a special line of access to owners of UK registered marks. St. Vincent abandoned its longtime dependence on the UK system in its new trademarks act, effective May 18, 2004, that sets up an altogether local trademark regime. Dominica, too, is about to enact a new system, replacing its act that dates from nearly 50 years ago.
Confusion about jurisdiction continues to afflict many trademark proprietors, made worse by the coupling of names, as with Antigua & Barbuda, St. Kitts & Nevis (St. Kitts is more formally known as St. Christopher), St. Vincent & the Grenadines, Trinidad & Tobago, and Turks & Caicos Islands. Other jurisdictional names are sometimes confused with their constituent territories, for example, Netherlands Antilles excludes Aruba but includes Bonaire, Curacao, Saba, St. Eustatius (also known as Statia) and St. Maarten.
Dutch St. Maarten is of course to be distinguished from St. Martin the latter is the French side of the island. Similarly, the U. S. Virgin Islands are often confused with the British Virgin Islands, which are a British Dependent Territory. Guadeloupe and Martinique, among the larger islands in the Caribbean, are co-equal departments of France, ranking with those within the bounds of France itself and, as such, these Caribbean islands are covered by trademark registration in France, as is tiny but chic St. Barths.
Most often, the incorrect jurisdictional assumption is that a single trademark registration will cover the many countries and territories of the Commonwealth Caribbean, or that a UK registration somehow extends to most or all of the English speaking countries. To the contrary, there are 18 different jurisdictions within the Commonwealth Caribbean, all different and independent of one another.
Another divide is the wide gulf that separates the Dutch, English, French and Spanish speaking Caribbean nations. This translates into another distinction: that between the English common law jurisdictions and the others that take after Napoleon.
Service marks can now be registered in nearly all 18 Commonwealth Caribbean jurisdictions. The only exception is the Bahamas, whose Trade Marks Act dating from 1906 is the antique of the region. Service marks are not even on the legislative agenda, despite the jurisdiction's exceptionally heavy reliance on service industries, both finance and tourism.
Six other Caribbean jurisdictions still allow for registration of a service mark only if the mark has already been registered in the UK: Antigua & Barbuda, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Dominica, Grenada and Guyana. The Cayman Islands also allows a European Community trade mark to ground a local service mark application.
As one might expect, the Caribbean's many jurisdictions have a wide range of filing fees. Topping the list is St. Kitts & Nevis, which has fees of $385 for one mark in one class. Each additional class, however, will cost only $30. Add another mark, and the cost of the extra mark filed simultaneously dips to $237. Renewal, too, is costly in St. Kitts, where the $237 per class renewal fee jumps to $385 three months after expiration. Also expensive is Bermuda, where the registration fee is $360 for each and every class. Ouch, again, when it comes to renewal that costs $315 per class. On the opposite end of the spectrum are Grenada and Guyana, where fees barely exceed $10 per application. Some jurisdictions still maintain a distinction between local and UK based trademark applications. Anguilla and Turks & Caicos charge less for UK based applications; Dominica charges more. Belize levies high publication costs. Registration and renewal each cost $125 for publication. Furthermore, each separate transaction incurs a publication fee of $50. For example, recording a change of name and address requires publication fees of $50 times two, even when the applications are bundled. Barbados also can be expensive when it comes to publication, with design marks costing some $225 for publication alone more than double the $105 application fee. Late filing of renewals incurs an extra fee everywhere. St. Vincent's new act provides for escalation of $25 for each month of the 12 month grace period. "Renewal fee" has an altogether different meaning in the Cayman Islands, where every trademark owner must pay an annual maintenance fee of $61 for each registration.
UK norms characterize opposition practice throughout the Commonwealth Caribbean, with the only real variant being the length of the opposition period. Seven jurisdictions allow three months, but five jurisdictions allow only one month to file an opposition notice: Anguilla, the Bahamas, Guyana, Jamaica and Turks & Caicos Islands. Transmission of trademark office gazettes from distant jurisdictions can easily take weeks, and, most importantly, an extension of time for filing an opposition cannot be obtained.
The relaxed Caribbean-island lifestyle is sometimes presumed to infuse Caribbean business practices, but the great majority of jurisdictions have long demonstrated efficiency in trademark processing, especially Anguilla, Belize and the Cayman Islands and also tiny Montserrat, which continues to cope with the scourge of volcano Soufriere. On the other hand, there are several countries where delay has become agonizing, chiefly Antigua, the Bahamas and Guyana. In the Bahamas, the December 8, 2005, Gazette published marks applied for in April 2002. That constitutes delay of three years and eight months. In the Bahamas, too, post publication action can be painfully slow. The delay in publication also impacts trademark searching, rendering searches inherently out of date. Other practices that could be improved upon include:
The Bahamas require a separate signed authorization form for each and every class.
In St. Lucia, a proprietor who enters its address after its name at the top, rather than the bottom, of the power of attorney form meets with automatic rejection. The form also requires the company's seal or stamp to be applied; otherwise, the form must be notarized. The Dominica Trade Marks Registry rejects certified copies of UK Certificates of Registration that have been issued by the UK Patent Office with a stamped seal (which is fully consistent with UK law) instead of a raised seal. St. Vincent & the Grenadines requires two separate signed authorization forms, both bearing the seal or stamp of the company and full notarization of both forms. This keeps notaries busy too busy, some owners complain. St. Vincent & the Grenadines also does not issue a filing number or filing date until after examination of the application and approval on seven preliminary points which can result in delays between the time of lodging and the time of official logging in of applications. Trinidad & Tobago is quite critical in examining applications, and for several years objections have been almost the rule rather than the exception. Just recently a mark registered in many jurisdictions, including Australia, Canada, Jamaica, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States, was refused in Trinidad as lacking distinction. WIPO continues to conduct training for Caribbean trademark officials; this past December, there was a week-long session in St. Lucia attended by officials from Barbados, Belize, Guyana, Jamaica, St. Kitts & Nevis, Surinam and Trinidad & Tobago.
The 1938 British classification system still operates in five Caribbean jurisdictions: Antigua & Barbuda, the Bahamas, British Virgin Islands, Dominica and Montserrat. Even with enactment of many new trademark acts, the old British classification system remains a holdover in some jurisdictions that have abandoned it but now are being confronted with applications to reclassify registered goods into their corresponding International Classes. Continued use of the old British classification system means two things: no service marks and antiquated categorization. Nearly 70 years old, the 1938 classification was designed more with component materials than actual goods in mind. There are, for example, 13 different classes that cover goods made of cotton, linen, wool, silk and hemp. Applications that require the British system to be applied to goods that have already had International Classes assigned can sometimes result in messy looking match ups. Often the application must cover more classes or must resort to the old system's catchalls which sometimes catch more than is comfortable. The 1938 classification system also speaks of "carriages," which covers cars, trucks and planes, and "horological instruments," which means watches and clocks. Finally, there is old British Class 50, which covers "Miscellaneous," but also specifically covers tobacco pipes, walking sticks, plate powder, buttons, hose and other odd items all in 10 separate sub-classes that end with the catchall "other goods." The eighth edition of the Nice International Classification Convention governs 13 Commonwealth Caribbean jurisdictions. Trinidad & Tobago and Turks & Caicos still rely on the seventh edition.
Corrective action against counterfeit LEVI'S, TOMMY HILFIGER and DOCKERS goods was taken recently in Belize. In each of these cases the U. S. Embassy became directly involved in the seizures. To invoke such action, however, it was necessary for company officials to personally confirm that the suspect goods were counterfeit.
Caribbean Single Market and Caribbean Court of Justice.
The Caribbean Single Market and Economy (CSME) treaty went into effect January 1, 2006, with Barbados, Belize, Guyana, Jamaica, Surinam and Trinidad & Tobago as the first full members. Montserrat has applied for associate status. The Bahamas will not join because of a provision that allows free movement of workers among signatory nations. Other nations in the 15-member Caribbean Community are moving or at least debating whether to join. The first sitting of the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ) took place at its headquarters in Trinidad & Tobago on August 8, 2005, with the former chief justice of Trinidad & Tobago sworn in as the court's first president. The court is designed to replace the UK Privy Council as the final appellate body for the Commonwealth Caribbean. Sitting in London, the Privy Council had decided Caribbean appeals since 1833. However, only two countries Barbados and Guyana have agreed thus far to use the CCJ as their court of last resort in all civil and criminal matters. Other countries have agreed to jurisdiction over trade disputes arising out of the Caribbean Community and Common Market (CARICOM) treaty.

Bahamas trademark classification system

This is a summary listing of the estimated 80,000 products and services that have been classified into one of these groups. Not all are included. Click on the short descriptions to link to the full goods/services descriptions. If you do not find a classification that you feel is appropriate then we have provided you with a direct link to our Searchable Database for the Identification of Goods and Services.
Short definitions - Goods.
Class 01 Chemicals Class 02 Paints, Coatings & Pigments Class 03 Cleaning Products, Bleaching & Abrasives, Cosmetics Class 04 Fuels, Industrial Oils and Greases, Illuminates Class 05 Pharmaceutical, Veterinary Products, Dietetic Class 06 Metals, metal castings, Locks, Safes, Hardware Class 07 Machines and Machine Tools, Parts Class 08 Hand Tools and implements, Cutlery Class 09 Computers, Software, Electronic instruments, & Scientific appliances Class 10 Medical, Dental Instruments and Apparatus Class 11 Appliances, Lighting, Heating, Sanitary Installations Class 12 Vehicles Class 13 Firearms, Explosives and Projectiles Class 14 Precious Metal ware, Jewellery, Class 15 Musical Instruments and supplies Class 16 Paper, Items made of Paper, Stationary items Class 17 Rubber, Asbestos, Plastic Items Class 18 Leather and Substitute Goods Class 19 Construction Materials (building - non metallic) Class 20 Furniture, Mirrors, Class 21 Crockery, Containers, Utensils, Brushes, Cleaning Implements Class 22 Cordage, Ropes, Nets, Awnings, Sacks, Padding Class 23 Yarns, Threads Class 24 Fabrics, Blankets, Covers, Textile Class 25 Clothing, Footwear and Headgear Class 26 Sewing Notions, Fancy Goods, Lace and Embroidery Class 27 Carpets, Linoleum, Wall and Floor Coverings (non textile) Class 28 Games, Toys, Sports Equipment Class 29 Foods - Dairy, Meat, Fish, Processed & Preserved Foods Class 30 Foods - Spices, Bakery Goods, Ice, Confectionery Class 31 Fresh Fruit & Vegetables, Live Animals, Class 32 Beer, Ales, Soft Drinks, Carbonated Waters Class 33 Wines, Spirits, Liqueurs Class 34 Tobacco, Smokers Requisites & Matches.
Short definitions - Services.
Class 35 Advertising, Business Consulting Class 36 Insurance, Financial Class 37 Construction, Repair, Cleaning Class 38 Communications Class 39 Transport, Utilities, Storage & Warehousing Class 40 Materials Treatment, Working Class 41 Education, Amusement, Entertainment, Reproduction Class 42 Scientific and technological services and research and design relating thereto Class 43 Services for providing food and drink; temporary accommodations. Class 44 Medical services; veterinary services; hygienic and beauty care for human beings or animals Class 45 Personal and social services rendered by others to meet the needs of individuals.
Trademark Classification Wizard.
If you can not find your goods or services in the general list above the enter a one word term that describes the type of product or service you would like classified and the TM Wizard will find the international classification if one exists. If you entered more than one word you will receive the message "Your browser sent a message this server could not understand". Delete one of the words and try again.
Detailed description of Goods.
Chemicals used in industry, science and photography, as well as in agriculture, horticulture and forestry; unprocessed artificial resins, unprocessed plastics; manures; fire extinguishing compositions; temering and soldering preparations; chemical substances for preserving foodstuffs; tanning substances; adhesives used in industry.
Paints, varnishes, lacquers; preservatives against rust and against deterioration of wood; colorants; mordents; raw natural resins; metals in foil and powder form for painters, decorators, printers and arts.
Bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use: cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive preparations; soaps; perfumery, essential oils, cosmetics, hair lotions; dentifrices.
Industrial oils and greases; lubricants; dust absorbing, wetting and binding compositions; fuels (including motor and illuminants; candles, wicks.
Pharmaceutical, veterinary and sanitary preparations; dietetic substances adapted for medical use, food for babies; plasters, materials for dressings; material for stopping teeth, dental wax; disinfectants; preparations for destroying vermin; fungicides, herbicides.
Common metals and their alloys; metal building materials; transportable buildings of metal; materials of metal for railway tracks; non-electric cables and wires of common metal; ironmongery, small item of metal hardware; pipes and tubes of metal; safes; goods of common metal not included in other classes; ores.
Machines and machine tools; motors (except for land vehicles); machine coupling and belting (except for land vehicles); agricultural implements; incubators for eggs.
Hand tools and implements (hand operated); cutlery, forks and spoons; side arms; razors.
Computers, their peripherals, software, scientific, nautical, surveying, electric, weighing, measuring, photographic, cinematographic, optical, signaling, checking (supervision), life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images; magnetic data carriers, recording discs; automatic vending machines and mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus; cash registers, calculating machines and data processing equipment; fire-extinguishing apparatus.
Surgical, medical, dental and veterinary apparatus and instruments, artificial limbs, eyes and teeth; orthopedic articles; suture materials.
Apparatus for lighting, heating, steam generating, cooking, refrigerating, drying, ventilating, water supply and sanitary purposes.
Vehicles; apparatus for locomotion by land, air or water.
Firearms; ammunition and projectiles; explosives; fireworks.
Precious metals and their alloys and goods in precious metals or coated therewith, not included in other classes; jewellary, precious stones; hierological and chronometric instruments.
Musical instruments and supplies.
Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials, not included in other classes; printer matter; bookbinding material; photographs; stationery; adhesives for stationery or household purposes; artistic materials; paint brushes; typewriters and office requisitions (except furniture); instructional and teaching material (except apparatus) plastic materials for packaging (not included in other classes); playing cards; printers' type; printing blocks.
Rubber, gutta-percha, gum, asbestos, mica and goods made from these materials and not included in other classes; plastics in extruded form for use in manufacture; packing, stopping and insulating materials; flexible pipes, not metal.
Leather and imitations of leather, and goods made of these materials and not included in other classes; animal skins, hides; trunks and traveling bags; umbrellas, parasols and walking sticks; whips, harness and saddelry.
Building materials (non-metallic); non-metallic rigid pipes for building; asphalt, pitch and bitumen; non-metallic transportable buildings; monuments, not of metal.
Furniture, mirrors, picture frames; goods (not included in other classes) of wood, cork, reed, cane, wicker, horn, bone, ivory, whalebone, shell, amber, mother-of-pearl, meerschaum and substitutes for all these materials, or of plastics.
Household or kitchen utensils and containers (not of precious metal or coated therewith); combs and sponges; brushes (except paint brushes); brush-making materials; articles for cleaning purposes; steel wool; unworked or semi-worked glass (except glass used in building); glassware, porcelain and earthenware not included in other classes.
Ropes, string, nets, tents, awnings, tarpaulins, sails, sacks and bags (not included in other classes); padding and stuffing materials (except of rubber or plastics); raw fibrous textile materials.
Yarns and threads, for textile use.
Textiles and textile goods, not included in other classes; bed and table covers.
Clothing, footwear, headgear.
Detailed description of Services.
Advertising and Business This class includes mainly services rendered by persons or organizations principally with the object of: help in the working or management of a commercial undertaking or, help in the management of the business affairs or commercial functions of an industrial or commercial enterprise, as well as services rendered by ; advertising establishments primarily undertaking communications to the public, declarations or announcements by all means of diffusion and concerning all kinds of goods or services.
Insurance and Financial This class includes mainly services rendered in financial and monetary affairs and services rendered in relations to insurance contracts of all kinds.
Construction and Repair This class includes mainly services rendered by contractors or subcontractors in the construction or making of permanent buildings, as well as services rendered by persons or organizations engaged in the restoration of objects to their original condition or in their preservation without altering their physical or chemical properties.
Communication This class includes mainly services allowing at least one person to communicate with another by a sensory means. Such services include those which; allow a person to talk to another, transmit messages from one person to another, and place a person in oral or visual communication with another (radio and television).
Transportation and Storage This class includes mainly services rendered in transporting people or goods from one place to another (by rail, road, water, air or pipeline) and services necessarily connected with such transport, as well as services relating to the storing of goods in a warehouse or other building for their preservation or guarding. In addition the class also includes storage on magnetic media.
Material Treatment This class includes mainly services not included in other classes, rendered by the mechanical or chemical processing or transformation of objects or inorganic or organic substances.
Education and Entertainment This class contains mainly services rendered by persons or institutions in the development of the mental faculties of persons or animals, as well as services intended to entertain or to engage the attention of others.
This Class includes, in particular: the services of engineers who undertake evaluations, estimates, research and reports in the scientific and technological fields scientific research services for medical purposes.
This Class does not include, in particular: business research and evaluations (Cl. 35); word processing and computer file management services (Cl. 35); financial and fiscal evaluations (Cl. 36); mining and oil extraction (Cl. 37); computer (hardware) installation and repair services (Cl. 37); services provided by the members of professions such as medical doctors, veterinary surgeons, psychoanalysts (Cl. 44); medical treatment services (Cl. 44); garden design (Cl. 44).
This Class includes, in particular: reservation services for travellers' accommodations, particularly through travel agencies or brokers; boarding for animals.
This Class does not include, in particular: rental services for real estate such as houses, flats, etc., for permanent use (Cl. 36); arranging travel by tourist agencies (Cl. 39); preservation services for food and drink (Cl. 40); discotheque services (Cl. 41); boarding schools (Cl. 41); rest and convalescent homes (Cl. 44).
This Class includes, in particular: medical analysis services relating to the treatment of persons (such as x-ray examinations and taking of blood samples); artificial insemination services; pharmacy advice; animal breeding; services relating to the growing of plants such as gardening; services relating to floral art such as floral compositions as well as garden design.
This Class does not include, in particular: vermin extermination (other than for agriculture, horticulture and forestry) (Cl. 37); installation and repair services for irrigation systems (Cl. 37); ambulance transport (Cl. 39); animal slaughtering services and taxidermy (Cl. 40); timber felling and processing (Cl. 40); animal training services (Cl. 41); health clubs for physical exercise (Cl. 41); scientific research services for medical purposes (Cl. 42); boarding for animals (Cl. 43); retirement homes (Cl. 43).
This Class includes, in particular: investigation and surveillance services relating to the safety of persons and entities; services provided to individuals in relation with social events, such as social escort services, matrimonial agencies, funeral services.
This Class does not include, in particular: professional services giving direct aid in the operations or functions of a commercial undertaking (Cl. 35); services relating to financial or monetary affairs and services dealing with insurance (Cl. 36); escorting of travellers (Cl. 39); security transport (Cl. 39); services consisting of all forms of education of persons (Cl. 41); performances of singers and dancers (Cl. 41); legal services (Cl. 42); services provided by others to give medical, hygienic or beauty care for human beings or animals (cl. 44); certain rental services (consult the Alphabetical List of Services and General Remark (b) relating to the classification of services).
Services to be transferred from old Class 42 to new service classes.
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